Charming Chrysocolla

Happy Tuesday everyone! This week we’re talking about another beautiful gem. This gem is also related to expression, empowerment and teaching. Additionally, this great gem can discharge negative energies, calm its wearer and allow inner wisdom to surface.
Chrysocolla is known as a stone of communication to people around the world.

The amazing gem can also encourage compassion and strengthen your character. These stones range in colors from light green to a deep blue. Chrysocolla is popular in business because of its ability to assist in creating intuitive abilities. It can even stimulate the mind and relax emotions. In addition, this gem is associated with forgiveness, peace and can strengthen your emotional bonds. It can also encourage compassion and help you recover your natural spontaneity.

Chrysocolla can encourage you to reveal your highest knowledge so others can benefit from your experiences. This gem is often valuable for people who speak for a living. It can also be used as a talisman for musicians. Chrysocolla can is believed by some to help with nervous disorders like anxiety and depression, and feelings of guilt. It is also believed to help with sore throats, high blood pressure, blood sugar levels and diabetes.

The gem that is associated with the Throat and Heart chakras is able to assist with aiding heartache and can allow you to hear your inner wisdom. Chrysocolla can teach the value of expression and remaining silent. It can even help you to let go of anger and allow you to communicate with ease. It is also believed to help you remove emotions and stimulate balance and wholeness. This gem has been used to honor the goddess of wisdom, Sophia.

Are you looking for a special gem like Chrysocolla to add to your collection? If so, Gem Steady has you covered! Do you have any experience with Chrysocolla? We would love to hear about it, leave us a comment below or tweet us!

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Have an amazing week everyone!

-Best Intern AR
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